Xoel Sixto Maceiras


Email: xsixto@vqcc.uvigo.es
Teléfono: 986130065
Despacho: VQCC


Xoel Sixto graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Santiago de Compostela in 2020 and completed a Master’s degree in physics, specializing in nuclear and particle physics at the same university, having finished in 2021. Currently, he focuses his predoctoral research on quantum cryptography, specifically, on trying to incorporate correlations in the security proofs of quantum key distribution.

Publications Journals

  • 1. X. Sixto, V. Zapatero, M. Curty, “Security of decoy-state quantum key distribution with correlated intensity fluctuations”, Physical Review Applied 18, 044069 (2022).
  • 2. X. Sixto, G. Currás-Lorenzo, K. Tamaki, M. Curty, “Secret key rate bounds for quantum key distribution with faulty active phase randomization”, EPJ Quantum Technology 10, 53 (2023).
  • 3. D. Trefilov, X. Sixto, V. Zapatero, A. Huang, M. Curty, V. Makarov, “Intensity correlations in decoy-state BB84 quantum key distribution systems”, preprint 2411.00709  (2024).
  • 4. X. Sixto, A. Navarrete, M. Pereira, G. Currás-Lorenzo, K. Tamaki, and M. Curty, “Quantum key distribution with imperfectly isolated devices”, preprint arXiv:2411.13948 (2024).

International Symposia

  • 1. X. Sixto, V. Zapatero, Á. Navarrete, M. Curty, “Security of decoy-state quantum key distribution with correlated intensity fluctuations”, 12th international conference on quantum cryptography (QCRYPT2022), Taipei City, Taiwan, 29 August – 2 September 2022.
  • 2. X. Sixto, G. Currás-Lorenzo, K. Tamaki, M. Curty, “Improved security bounds for quantum key distribution with non-uniform phase randomization”, 18th Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC) Conference, Aveiro (Portugal), 24-28 July 2023.
  • 3. D. Trefilov, X. Sixto, V. Zapatero, A. Huang, M. Curty, V. Makarov, “Intersymbol intensity correlations in BB84 decoy-state QKD systems”, QUANTA International Symposium on Quantum Science and Technology (QiQ 2023), Changsha, China, 01-03 July (2023).
  • 4. D. Trefilov, X. Sixto, V. Zapatero, A. Huang, M. Curty, V. Makarov, “Intersymbol intensity correlations in BB84 decoy-state QKD systems”, 2023 International Workshop on Quantum Information, Zhangjiajie, China, 04-08 July (2023).
  • 5. G. Currás-Lorenzo, X. Sixto, K. Tamaki, M. Curty, “Security of quantum key distribution with imperfect phase randomisation”, 13th international conference on quantum cryptography (QCRYPT2023), University of Maryland, USA, 14 August–18 August 2023.
  • 6. D. Trefilov, X. Sixto, V. Zapatero, A. Huang, M. Curty, V. Makarov, “Intensity correlations in decoy-state BB84 QKD systems”, 14th international conference on quantum cryptography (QCRYPT2024), Vigo, Spain, 2-6 September 2024.
  • 7. X. Sixto, Á. Navarrete, M. Pereira, G. Currás-Lorenzo, K. Tamaki, M. Curty, “Security of decoy-state quantum key distribution with information leakage”, 14th international conference on quantum cryptography (QCRYPT2024), Vigo, Spain, 2-6 September 2024.

National Symposia
  • 1. X. Sixto, V. Zapatero, A. Navarrete, M. Curty, “Quantum cryptography with intensity correlations”, XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, University of Murcia, Murcia (Spain), 11-15 July 2022.
  • 2. Sixto, G. Currás-Lorenzo, K. Tamaki, M. Curty, “Enhanced security bounds for quantum cryptography with arbitrary phase randomization”, 8th Conference on Quantum Information in Spain (ICE-8), University of Santiago de Compostela, 29 May – 1 June 2023.
  • 3. X. Sixto, Á. Navarrete, M. Pereira, G. Currás-Lorenzo, M. Curty, “Quantum key distribution with full information leakage”, XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, School of Engineering of Gipuzkoa, San Sebastián (Spain), 15-19 July 2024.
