1. M. Curty, D. J. Santos, “Quantum authentication of classical messages”, Physical Review A 64, 062309 (2001).
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3. E. Pérez, M. Curty, D. J. Santos, P. García-Fernández, “Quantum authentication with unitary coding sets”, Journal of Modern Optics 50, 1035 (2003).
4. M. Curty, N. Lütkenhaus, “Effect of finite detector efficiencies on the security evaluation of quantum key distribution”, Physical Review A 69, 042321 (2004).
5. M. Curty, M. Lewenstein, N. Lütkenhaus, “Entanglement as a Precondition for Secure Quantum Key Distribution”, Physical Review Letters 92, 217903 (2004).
6. J. Eisert, P. Hyllus, O. Gühne, M. Curty, “Complete hierarchies of efficient approximations to problems in entanglement theory”, Physical Review A 70, 062317 (2004).
7. M. Curty, O. Gühne, M. Lewenstein, N. Lütkenhaus, “Detecting two-party quantum correlations in quantum key distribution protocols”, Physical Review A 71, 022306 (2005).
8. M. Curty, N. Lütkenhaus, “Intercept-resend attacks in the Bennett-Brassard 1984 quantum key distribution protocol with weak coherent pulses”, Physical Review A 71, 062301 (2005).
9. T. Moroder, M. Curty, N. Lütkenhaus, “Upper bound on the secret key rate distillable from effective quantum correlations with imperfect detectors”, Physical Review A 73, 012311 (2006).
10. E. Andersson, M. Curty, I. Jex, “Experimentally realizable quantum comparison of coherent states and its applications”, Physical Review A 74, 022304 (2006).
11. T. Moroder, M. Curty, N. Lütkenhaus, “One-way quantum key distribution: Simple upper bound on the secret key rate”, Physical Review A 74, 052301 (2006).
12. M. Curty, L.-L. Zhang, H.-K. Lo, N. Lütkenhaus, “Sequential attacks against differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution with weak coherent states”, Quantum Information and Computation 7, 665 (2007).
13. M. Curty, T. Moroder, “Single-photon quantum key distribution in the presence of loss”, Physical Review A 75, 052336 (2007).
14. M. Curty, N. Lütkenhaus, “Comment on “Arbitrated quantum-signature scheme´´”, Physical Review A 77, 046301 (2008).
15. M. Curty, K. Tamaki, T. Moroder, “Effect of detector dead-times on the security evaluation of differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution against sequential attacks”, Physical Review A 77, 052321 (2008).
16. H. Gómez-Sousa, M. Curty, “Upper bounds on the performance of differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution”, Quantum Information and Computation 9, 62 (2009).
17. M. Curty, T. Moroder, X. Ma, H.-K. Lo, N. Lütkenhaus, “Upper bounds for the secure key rate of decoy-state quantum key distribution”, Physical Review A 79, 032335 (2009).
18. T. Moroder, M. Curty, N. Lütkenhaus, “Detector decoy quantum key distribution”, New Journal of Physics 11, 045008 (2009).
19. M. Curty, T. Moroder, X. Ma, N. Lütkenhaus, “Non-Poissonian statistics from Poissonian Light sources with application to passive decoy state quantum key distribution”, Optics Letters 34, 3238 (2009).
20. M. Curty, X. Ma, B. Qi, T. Moroder, “Passive decoy state quantum key distribution with practical light sources”, Physical Review A 81, 022310 (2010).
21. S. Wehner, M. Curty, C. Schaffner and H.-K. Lo, “How to implement two-party protocols in the noisy-storage model”, Physical Review A 81, 052336 (2010).
22. M. Curty, X. Ma, H. -K. Lo, N. Lütkenhaus, “Passive sources for the Bennett-Brassard 1984 quantum key distribution protocol with practical signals”, Physical Review A 82, 052325 (2010).
23. M. Curty, X. Ma, H. -K. Lo, N. Lütkenhaus, “Passive preparation of BB84 signal states with coherent light”, Progress in Informatics 8, 57-63 (2011).
24. M. Curty, T. Moroder, “Heralded qubit amplifiers for practical device-independent quantum key distribution”, Physical Review A 84, 010304 (R) (2011).
25. M Jofre, M. Curty, F. Steinlechner, G. Anzolin, J. P. Torres, M. W. Mitchell, V. Pruneri, “True random numbers from amplified quantum vacuum”, Optics Express, Vol. 19, Iss. 21, pp. 20665-20672 (2011).
26. H. -K. Lo, M. Curty, B. Qi, “Measurement device independent quantum key distribution”, Physical Review Letters 108, 130503 (2012).
27. T. Moroder, M. Curty, C. C. W. Lim, L. P. Thinh, H. Zbinden, N. Gisin, “Security of distributed-phase-reference quantum key distribution”, Physical Review Letters 109, 260501 (2012).
28. F. Xu, M. Curty, B. Qi, H.-K. Lo, ”Practical aspects of measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution”, New Journal of Physics 15, 113007 (2013).
29. Y. Liu, Y. Cao, M. Curty, S.-K. Liao, J. Wang, K. Cui, Y.-H. Li, Z.-H. Lin, Q.-C. Sun, D.-D. Li, H.-F. Zhang, Y. Zhao, C.-Z. Peng, Q. Zhang, A. Cabello, J.-W. Pan, ”Experimental unconditionally secure bit commitment”, Physical Review Letters 112, 010504 (2014).
30. M. Curty, F. Xu, W. Cui, C. C. W. Lim, K. Tamaki, H.-K. Lo, ”Finite-key analysis for measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution”, Nature Communications 5, 3732 (2014).
31. C. Abellán, W. Amaya, M. Jofre, M. Curty, A. Acín, J. Capmany, V. Pruneri, M. W. Mitchell, ”Ultra-fast quantum randomness generation by accelerated phase diffusion in a pulsed laser diode”, Optics Express Vol. 22, Iss. 2, pp. 1645–1654 (2014).
32. H.-K. Lo, M. Curty, K. Tamaki, ”Secure quantum key distribution”, Nature Photonics 8, 595-604 (2014).
33. C. C. W. Lim, M. Curty, N. Walenta, F. Xu, H. Zbinden, ”Concise Security Bounds for Practical Decoy-State Quantum Key Distribution”, Physical Review A 89, 022307 (2014).
34. K. Tamaki, M. Curty, G. Kato, H.-K. Lo, K. Azuma, “Loss-tolerant quantum cryptography with imperfect sources”, Physical Review A 90, 052314 (2014).
35. M. Curty, “Quantum cryptography: know your enemy”, Nature Physics 10, 479-480 (2014).
36. F. Xu, M. Curty, B. Qi, H.-K. Lo, “Measurement-device-independent quantum cryptography”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 21, nº 3, 6601111 (2015).
37. M. Curty, M. Jofre, V. Pruneri, M. W. Mitchell, “Passive Decoy-State Quantum Key Distribution with Coherent Light”, Entropy 17, 4064-4082 (2015).
38. A. Mizutani, M. Curty, C. C. W. Lim, N. Imoto, K. Tamaki, “Finite-key security analysis of quantum key distribution with imperfect light sources”, New Journal of Physics 17, 093011 (2015).
39. F. Xu, M. Curty, B. Qi, L. Qian, H.-K. Lo, “Discrete and continuous variables for measurement-device-independent quantum cryptography”, Nature Photonics 9, 772-773 (2015).
40. P. González, L. Rebón, T. Ferreira da Silva, M. Figueroa, C. Saavedra, M. Curty, G. Lima, G. B. Xavier, W. A. T. Nogueira, “Quantum key distribution with untrusted detectors”, Physical Review A 92, 022337 (2015).
41. K. Tamaki, M. Curty, M. Lucamarini, “Decoy-state quantum key distribution with a leaky source”, New Journal of Physics 18, 065008 (2016).
42. I. V. Puthoor, R. Amiri, P. Wallden, M. Curty, E. Andersson, “Measurement-device-independent quantum digital signatures”, Physical Review A 94, 022328 (2016).
43. S. Sajeed, A. Huang, S. Sun, F. Xu, V. Makarov, M. Curty, “Insecurity of detector-device-independent quantum key distribution”, Physical Review Letters 117, 250505 (2016).
44. K. Tamaki, H.-K. Lo, A. Mizutani, G. Kato, C. C. W. Lim, K. Azuma, M. Curty, “Security of quantum key distribution with iterative sifting”, Quantum Science and Technology, 3, 014002 (2017).
45. G. L. Roberts, M. Lucamarini, Z. L. Yuan, J. F. Dynes, L. C. Comandar, A. W. Sharpe, A. J. Shields, M. Curty, I. V. Puthoor, E. Andersson, “Experimental measurement-device-independent quantum digital signatures”, Nature Communications 8, 1098 (2017).
46. H.-L. Yin, W.-L. Wang, Y.-L. Tang, Q. Zhao, H. Liu, X.-X. Sun, W.-J. Zhang, H. Li, I. V. Puthoor, L.-X. You, E. Andersson, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, X. Jiang, X. Ma, Q. Zhang, M. Curty, T.-Y. Chen, J.-W. Pan, “Experimental measurement-device-independent quantum digital signatures over a metropolitan network”, Physical Review A 95, 042338 (2017).
47. A. Navarrete, W. Wang, F. Xu, M. Curty, “Characterizing multi-photon quantum interference with practical light sources and threshold single-photon detectors”, New Journal of Physics 20, 043018 (2018).
48. W. Wang, K. Tamaki, M. Curty, “Finite-key security analysis for quantum key distribution with leaky sources”, New Journal of Physics 20, 083027 (2018).
49. C. Li, M. Curty, F. Xu, O. Bedroya, H.-K. Lo, “Secure quantum communication in the presence of phase and polarization dependent loss”, Physical Review A 98, 042324, (2018).
50. D. Rusca, A. Boaron, M. Curty, A. Martin, H. Zbinden, “Security proof for a simplified BB84-like QKD protocol”, Physical Review A 98, 052336 (2018).
51. A. Mizutani, G. Kato, K. Azuma, M. Curty, R. Ikuta, T. Yamamoto, N. Imoto, H.-K. Lo, K. Tamaki, “Quantum key distribution with setting-choice-independently correlated light sources”, npj Quantum Information 5, 8 (2019).
52. M. Curty, H. K. Lo, “Foiling covert channels and malicious classical post-processing units in quantum key distribution”, npj Quantum Information 5, 14 (2019).
53. F. Grasselli, M. Curty, “Practical decoy-state method for twin-field quantum key distribution”, New Journal of Physics 21, 073001 (2019).
54. M. Pereira, M. Curty, K. Tamaki, “Quantum key distribution with flawed and leaky sources”, npj Quantum Information 5, 62 (2019).
55. M. Curty, K. Azuma, H.-K. Lo, “Simple security proof of twin-field type quantum key distribution protocol”, npj Quantum Information 5, 64 (2019).
56. A. Huang, A. Navarrete, S.-H. Sun, P. Chaiwongkhot, M. Curty, V. Makarov, “Laser seeding attack in quantum key distribution”, Physical Review Applied 12, 064043 (2019).
57. X. Zhong, J. Hu, M. Curty, L. Qian, H.-K. Lo, “Proof-of-principle experimental demonstration of twin-field type quantum key distribution”, Physical Review Letters 123, 100506 (2019).
58. V. Zapatero, M. Curty, “Long-distance device-independent quantum key distribution”, Scientific Reports 9, 17749 (2019).
59. F. Grasselli, A. Navarrete, M. Curty, “Asymmetric twin-field quantum key distribution”, New Journal of Physics 21, 113032 (2019).
60. R. Trényi, K. Azuma, M. Curty, “Beating the repeaterless bound with adaptive measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution”, New Journal of Physics 21, 113052 (2019).
- 61. M. Pereira, G. Kato, A. Mizutani, M. Curty, K. Tamaki, “Quantum key distribution with correlated sources”, Science Advances 6, eaaz4487 (2020).
- 62. J. González-Payo, R. Trényi, W. Wang, M. Curty, “Upper security bounds for coherent-one-way quantum key distribution”, Physical Review Letters 125, 260510 (2020).
- 63. G. Curras Lorenzo, A. Navarrete, K. Azuma, M. Curty, M. Razavi, “Tight finite-key security for twin-field quantum key distribution”, npj Quantum Information 7, 22 (2021).
- 64. W. Wang, K. Tamaki, M. Curty, “Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution with Leaky Sources”, Scientific Reports 11, 1678 (2021).
- 65. W. Li, V. Zapatero, H. Tan, K. Wei, H. Min, W.-Y. Liu, X. Jiang, S.-K. Liao, C.-Z. Peng, M. Curty, F. Xu, J.-W. Pan, “Experimental quantum key distribution secure against malicious devices”, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 034081 (2021).
- 66. V. Zapatero, M. Curty, “Secure quantum key distribution with a subset of malicious devices”, npj Quantum Information 7, 26 (2021).
- 67. A. Navarrete, M. Pereira, M. Curty, K. Tamaki, “Practical Quantum Key Distribution Secure Against Side- Channels”, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 034072 (2021).
- 68. M. Curty, K. Azuma, H.-K. Lo, “A quantum leap in digital security”, Physics Today 74, 36-41 (2021).
- 69. R. Trényi, M. Curty, “Zero-error attack against coherent-one-way quantum key distribution”, New Journal of Physics 23, 093005 (2021).
- 70. V. Zapatero, A. Navarrete, K. Tamaki, M. Curty “Security of quantum key distribution with intensity correlations”, Quantum 5, 602 (2021).
- 71. M. Curty “Foiling zero-error attacks against coherent-one-way quantum key distribution”, Physical Review A 104, 062417 (2021).
- 72. Á. Navarrete, M. Curty, “Improved finite-key security analysis of quantum key distribution against Trojan-horse attacks”, Quantum Science and Technology 7, 035021 (2022).
- 73. X. Sixto, V. Zapatero, M. Curty, “Security of decoy-state quantum key distribution with correlated intensity fluctuations”, Physical Review Applied 18, 044069 (2022).
- 74. V. Zapatero, T. van Leent, R. Arnon-Friedman, W.-Z. Liu, Q. Zhang, H. Weinfurter, M. Curty, “Advances in device-independent quantum key distribution”, npj Quantum Information 9, 10 (2023).
- 75. V. Zapatero, W. Wang, M. Curty, “A fully passive transmitter for decoy-state quantum key distribution”, Quantum Science and Technology 8, 025014 (2023).
- 76. W. Wang, R. Wang, V. Zapatero, L. Qian, B. Qi, M. Curty, H.-K. Lo, “Fully-Passive Quantum Key Distribution”, Physical Review Letters 130, 220801 (2023).
- 77. G. Currás Lorenzo, S. Nahar, N. Lütkenhaus, K. Tamaki, M. Curty, “Security of quantum key distribution with imperfect phase randomisation”, Quantum Science Technology 9, 015025 (2023).
- 78. M. Pereira, G. Currás-Lorenzo, A. Navarrete, A. Mizutani, G. Kato, M. Curty, K. Tamaki, “Modified BB84 quantum key distribution protocol robust to source imperfections”, Physical Review Research 5, 023065 (2023).
- 79. X. Sixto, G. Currás-Lorenzo, K. Tamaki, M. Curty, “Secret key rate bounds for quantum key distribution with faulty active phase randomization”, EPJ Quantum Technology 10, 53 (2023).
- 80. G. Currás-Lorenzo, M. Pereira, G. Kato, M. Curty, K. Tamaki, “A security framework for quantum key distribution implementations”, preprint arXiv:2305.05930 (2023).
- 81. F.-Y. Lu, Z.-H. Wang, V. Zapatero, J.-L. Chen, S. Wang, Z.-Q. Yin, M. Curty, D.-Y. He, R. Wang, W. Chen, G.-J. Fan-Yuan, G.-C. Guo, Z.-F. Han, “Experimental demonstration of fully passive quantum key distribution”, Physical Review Letters 131, 110802 (2023).
- 82. V. Zapatero, M. Curty, “Finite-key security of passive quantum key distribution”, Physical Review Applied 21, 014018 (2024).
- 83. V. Zapatero, A. Navarrete, M. Curty, “Implementation security in quantum key distribution”, Advanced Quantum Technologies 7, 2300380 (2024).
- 84. Rey Domínguez, A. Navarrete, P. van Loock, M. Curty, “Hacking coherent-one-way quantum key distribution with present-day technology”, Quantum Science and Technology 9, 035044 (2024).
- 85. M. Pereira, G. Currás-Lorenzo, A. Mizutani, D. Rusca, M. Curty, K. Tamaki, “Quantum key distribution with unbounded pulse correlations”, Quantum Science and Technology 10, 015001 (2025).
- 86. J.-X. Li, Z.-H. Wang, F.-Y. Lu, V. Zapatero, M. Curty, S. Wang, Z.-Q. Yin, W. Chen, D.-Y. He, G.-C. Guo, Z.-F. Han, “Intensity-correlation-tolerant quantum key distribution”, submitted to Physical Review Letters (2024).
- 87. V. Mannalath, V. Zapatero, M. Curty, “Sharp finite statistics for minimum data block sizes in quantum key distribution”, preprint arXiv:2410.04095, submitted to Physical Review Letters (2024).