1. A.G.Pino, F.Obelleiro, J.L.Rodríguez, A.M.Arias. “A Comparison of ray tracing methods for the analysis of high frequency scattering by arbitrarily shaped cavities”. IEEE AP-S and URSI Joint Symposium. Chicago, Jul. 1992.
2. M.A.Arias, M.E.Lorenzo, A.G.Pino. “A novel fast algorithm for P.O. Analysis of Single and Dual Reflector Antennas”. Actas de la 10th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG’95 Berlin (Alemania), Julio 1995.
3. A.M.Arias, A.G.Pino. “A method for design shaped reflector antennas by optimization techniques using Hermite patches”. 26th European Conference Proceedings, Praga, Sept. 1996.
4. I.Cuiñas, A.M.Arias-Acuña, A.G.Pino, A.Ramos. “CAD Software for Teaching Reflector Antennas in Electromagnetic Education,” 9th EAEEIE, International Conference on Education in Electrical and Information Engineering, Lisboa (Portugal), 18-20 Mayo 1998.
5. M.Arias, F.Obelleiro, V.Pita-Vizoso, J.M.Menéndez. “Wave propagation teaching using tools developed on JAVA,” 10th EAEEIE Conference on Education in Electric and Information Engineering. Capri (Italia), mayo 1999.
6. L.de Haro, A.G.Pino, J.L.Besada, A.M.Arias, J.O.Rubiños. “Antennas feasibility study for a LMDS communication system”. Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. Pp.2162-2165. Orlando, FL. USA. 11-16 July 1999.
7. A.G.Pino, L.Haro, J.O.Rubiños, A.M.Arias, J.L.Besada. “Aperture Antennas at 42 GHz for a LMDS Communication System”. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Microwave Technology (ISRAMT’99). Malaga, 13-17 Dec.1999.
8. A. G. Pino, J. O. Rubiños, A. M. Arias, J. A. Rodríguez, F. Ares. “ Reflector Antenna Solutions for Multisatellite DBS Reception”, 2001 IEEE Antennas & Propagation Society International Symposium. Boston – Massachusetts 8-13 Julio 2001
9. A. García-Pino, J. O. Rubiños, A. Marcos Arias, I. Cuiñas, J. A. Rodríguez, F. Ares. “ Shaped and Array-Fed Reflector Antennas for Multisatellite Reception” ” Mediterranean Microwave Symposium 2002, Cáceres, 26-28 june 2002.
10. J.A-Martinez Lorenzo, O.Rubiños, M.Arias, A.G.Pino. ANDERA: A software tool for the analysis and design of multi-fed and shaped reflector antennas”. International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory (ISAPE 03). Beijing, China, Oct. 2003.
11. A.G.Pino, A.M.Arias, J.O.Rubiños, J.Martínez. “A dual-satellite reflector antenna with shaped subreflectors”. International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory (ISAPE 03). Beijing, China, Oct. 2003.
12. J.Martínez, A.M.Arias, J.O. Rubiños, A.G. Pino. “Design of a reflector antenna with several sectorial beams for wll base stations”. International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory (ISAPE 03). Beijing, China, Oct. 2003.
13. M.J.Ben, A.M.Arias, A.G.Pino, J.O.Rubiños. “Broadband diversity patch antenna for dcs-umts Indoor environments” International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory (ISAPE 03). Beijing, China, Oct. 2003.
14. J.A. Martínez Lorenzo, A.G. Pino, A.M.Arias, J.O. Rubiños. “Feed array design for a rotationally symmetric reflector antenna with sector beams”, 2004 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI Nacional Radio Science Meeting, IEEE. Monterrey, California, EE.UU. 20-25 Jun. 2004
15. J.A. Martínez Lorenzo, A.G. Pino, A.M.Arias, J.O. Rubiños. “Software ANDERA: analysis and design of reflector antennas,” 2004 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI Nacional Radio Science Meeting, IEEE. Monterrey, California, EE.UU. 20-25 Jun. 2004
16. A.G. Pino, J.A. Martínez Lorenzo, A.M.Arias, J.O. Rubiños, J.Basterrechea, C.Compostizo, L. Scolamiero. “An Adjustable Subreflector in Gregorian Confocal Configuration for the Hybrid Mechanical-Electronic Pointing System at the Q/V Band,” 28th Antenna Workshop of the ESA. Holanda,May. 2005.
17. A.G. Pino, J.A. Martínez Lorenzo, A.M.Arias, J.O. Rubiños, J.Basterrechea, C.Compostizo, L. Scolamiero. “A Gregorian Confocal Reflector Antenna with Adjustable Subreflector for the Hybrid Mechanical-Electronic Pointing System at the Satellite Q/V Band,” IEEE AP-S Internacional Symposium. Washington, EE.UU. Jul. 2005
18. José A. Martínez, Antonio G. Pino, Javier Meana, Marcos Arias.Título: Cosecant-squared power pattern synthesis procedure for an Hour-Glass reflector antenna with sectorial beams,” IEEE AP-S Internacional Symposium. Washington, EE.UU. Jul. 2005.
19. A.G.Pino, J.A. Martínez, O.Rubiños, M.Arias, C.Compostizo, L.Scolamiero. “Design and Analysis of an Adjustable Subreflector for the Hybrid Mechanical-Electronic Pointing System at the Satellite Q/V Band. Proceedings of the IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Albuquerque NM (USA), July, 2006.
20. A.G.Pino, J.A. Martínez, O.Rubiños, M.Arias, C.Compostizo, L.Scolamiero. “A Dual Reflector Antenna with Adjustable Subreflector for Hybrid Mechanical-Electronic Scanning”. Proceedings of the first European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2006), Nice (France), Nov. 2006.
21. M. Graña, M. Arias, A. García Pino, O. Rubiños, “Novel Optimization Methods to Shape Reflector Antennas”, 29th ESA Antenna Workshop on Multiple Beams and Reconfigurable Antennas, pp. 127-130. 18-20 abril 2007, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Holanda.
22. M. Graña, M. Arias, O. Rubiños, A. García Pino, “Iterative Physical Optics Solution for MFIE on Dual Reflector Antenas”, aceptado para EMTS 2007, July 26 – 28, 2007, Ottawa, Canadá.
23. M. Graña, M. Arias, O. Rubiños, A. García Pino. “Asymptotic MFIE for Optimizing Dual Reflectors Pattern”, Eucap 2007. Edinburgh, UK. 11-16, Nov. 2007.
24. M. Arias, M. Graña, A. García Pino. “Shaping Reflectors using Hybrid Techniques”, Eucap 2007. Edinburgh, UK. 11-16, Nov. 2007.
25. M.J. Ben Constenla, M. Arias, Antonio G. Pino, Oscar Rubiños. “Compact Diversity Antenna for DCS-UMTS Indoor Environments”, Eucap 2007. Edinburgh, UK. 11-16, Nov. 2007.
26. M. Graña, B. Gonzalez-Valdes, J.A. Martinez-Lorenzo, M. Arias, O. Rubiños-Lopez, A. Garcia-Pino. “ICARA: SOFTWARE FOR THE DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF REFLECTOR ANTENNAS BY PO AND PTD”, ICERI 2008. Madrid. 17-19, Nov. 2008.
27. A. Liñares, O. Rubiños-Lopez, M. Arias, F. Obelleiro. “JAVA TOOL FOR WAVE PROPAGATION TEACHING”, ICERI 2008. Madrid. 17-19, Nov. 2008.
28. F. Aguado-Agelet, C. Martínez, O. Rubiños-López, M. Arias, E. Sarmiento. “XATCOBEO: EDUCATIONAL CUBESAT PROJECT SELECTED BY THE EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY (ESA) FOR THE MAIDEN FLIGHT OF VEGA”, ICERI 2008. Madrid. 17-19, Nov. 2008.
29. O. Rubiños-López, M. Arias-Acuña, A. García Pino. “Tutorization as an alternative to class atendance in radiocommunication and electromagnetic engineering”, EDULEARN09. Barcelona. 6-8, julio 2009.
30. M. Graña, M. Arias, O. Rubiños-López, A. G. Pino. “Rapid Dual Reflector Shaping Using Ant Colony Optimization Fast Iterated PO and Asymptotic MFIE”. Second European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2009). Berlín (Germany). Marzo 2009
31. M. Graña-Varela, O. Rubiños-López , M. Arias-Acuña, F.Varas. “Solid reconfigurable reflector antenna by means of few mechanical actuators”. Second European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2010). Barcelona. Abril 2010
32. Gomez-Sousa, H.; Martinez-Lorenzo, J. A.; Gonzalez-Valdes, B.; Rubiños-Lopez, O.; Graña-Varela, M.; Arias-Acuña, M.; Meana, J.G.; Las-Heras, F.; , “A memory-hierarchy-based optimization of MECA (Modified Equivalent Current Approximation) for the analysis of electrically large dielectric and lossy structures,” Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2010 IEEE, pp.1-4, Toronto (Canada) 11-17 July 2010
33. Marcos, Arias, Thomas Jost, “Physical optics analysis of the radiation pattern of an antenna mounted on an aircraft”, 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2015, Lisbon (Portugal) 12-17 Abril 2015
34. Hipólito Gómez-Sousa, Marcos Arias-Acuña, José Ángel Martínez-Lorenzo, Óscar Rubiños-López, Thomas Jost, Georg Strauss, “Fast and Accurate Simulation of Coaxial-Fed Antennas Using Full-Wave and Asymptotic Computational Methods”, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS 2015), Vancouver BC, Canada, 19-24 Julio 2015
35. Marcos Arias, Thomas Jost, Borja González Valdés, Wei Wang, Siwei Zhang, Markus Ulmschneider, Christian Gentner, “Statistical Analysis of the Radiation Pattern of an Antenna Mounted on an Aircraft”, 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP’2016, Davos (Switzerland) 10-15 April 2016
36. Lorena Pérez Eijo, Borja González Valdés, Yolanda Rodríguez Vaqueiro, Marcos Arias, Óscar Rubiños López, Antonio Pino, “On the use of a hybrid Monostatic-Bistatic radar system for a 3D Standoff Imaging”, 12th European Coference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2018, London, UK. 09-13 abril 2018.
37. Lorena Pérez Eijo, Borja González Valdés, Yolanda Rodríguez Vaqueiro, Marcos Arias, Óscar Rubiños López, Antonio Pino, “Improving a monostatic radar system for 3D Standoff Human Body Imaging”, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting APS/URSI 2018, Boston, Massachusetts (EEUU). 08-13 July 2018.
38. Antonio Pino, Yolanda Rodríguez Vaqueiro, Borja González Valdés, Marcos Arias, Daniel Martínez de Rioja, José A. Encinar, Giovanni Toso, “A Multibeam Parabolic Reflectarray for Onboard Tx and Rx Satellite Antennas at the Ka band”, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting APS/URSI 2018, Boston, Massachusetts (EEUU). 08-13 July 2018.
- 39. Borja González Valdés, Marcos Arias, Yolanda Rodríguez Vaqueiro, Lorena Pérez, Óscar Rubiños, Antonio Pino, “Physical Optics Simulation of a THz Standoff Imaging System”, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting APS/URSI 2018, Boston, Massachusetts (EEUU). 08-13 julio 2018.
- 40. Antonio Pino, Yolanda Rodríguez Vaqueiro, Eduardo Martínez de Rioja, José A. Encinar, Borja González Valdés, Oscar Rubiños, Marcos Arias, Giovanni Toso, “Design and Analysis of a Bifocal Dual Reflectarray with Parabolic Main Surface as Multibeam Antenna”, 39th ESA Antenna Workshop, en ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 1-5 octubre 2018.
- 41. Daniel Martínez de Rioja, Eduardo Martínez de Rioja, José A. Encinar, Antonio Pino, Yolanda Rodríguez Vaqueiro, Borja González Valdés, Óscar Rubiños López, Marcos Arias, “Single and Dual Reflectarray Configurations for Multibeam Satellite Antennas in Ka-Band”, 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2019), Krakow, Poland, 31 March-5 April 2019.
- 42. Marcos Arias, Lorena Pérez Eijo, Yolanda Rodríguez Vaqueiro, Borja González Valdés, José Vázquez Cabo, Óscar Rubiños López, Antonio Pino, Yuri Álvarez, “A Physical Optics Simulator for Dielectric Bodies Characterization Using a Multistatic Radar”, 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting – APS URSI 2019, 7-12 July 2019, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
- 43. Daniel Martínez de Rioja, Eduardo Martínez de Rioja, Yolanda Rodríguez Vaqueiro, José A. Encina, Antonio Pino, Marcos Arias, Manuel arrebola, Giovanni Toso, “Parabolic Reflectarray Antenna to Generate Multiple Beams in Dual-Frequency and Dual-Circular Polarization”, 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2021, Düsseldorf, Alemania, 22-26 marzo 2021.
- 44. Lorena Pérez Eijo, Marcos Arias, Borja González Valdés, Antonio Pino, Óscar Rubiños, Jesús Grajal, “Optimal linear sparse array design for On-The-Move mm-wave imaging systems”, 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP2023, Florencia, Italia, 26-31 marzo 2023.
- 45. Lorena Pérez Eijo, Marcos Arias, Borja González Valdés, Antonio Pino, Óscar Rubiños, Jesús Grajal, “Sparse 2D array design optimization for imaging systems using genetic algorithm”, 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP2023, Florencia, Italia, 26-31 marzo 2023.
- 46. León, A.M. Gómez Sanjuan, S. Loredo, M. Arias, F. Aguado, L. Pérez Eijo, A. Camazo Mariño, “COMMUNICATIONS CHANNEL ANALYSIS OF LUNAR CAVES”, 4th International Planetary Caves Conference IPCC2023 (LPI Contrib. No. 2697), Haría (Lanzarote) España, 04-07 mayo 2023.
- 47. Ignacio Sardinero Meirás, Elías Antolinos, Ignacio E. López Delgado, Marcos Gómez Bracamonte, Jaime Fernández Martínez, Lorena Pérez Eijo, Marcos Arias, Borja González Valdés, Jesús Grajal, “Portable Low-Cost Millimeter-Wave Radar Node for Short-Range Applications” 2023 20th European Radar Conference (EuRAD), Berlín, Alemania, 20-22 septiembre 2023.
- 48. Ignacio Sardinero Meirás, Ignacio E. López Delgado, Elías Antolinos, Francisco N. Pérez Fernández, Marta Ferreras, Lorena Pérez Eijo, Macos Arias, Borja González Valdés, Jesús Grajal, “From mmWave Radar Nodes to Multistatic Arrays: Design Considerations and Applications”, 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2024), Glasgow, Reino Unido, 17-22 marzo 2024.