

Development and automation of an anechoic chamber for antenna measurements

I.Cuiñas, José S. Luaces, Juan G. Barrajón, A.G.Pino
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Industrial Automation, pp.12.19-12.22. Montreal (1999)

The generalized forward-backward method for analyzing the scattering from targets on ocean-like rough surfaces

M. R. Pino, L. Landesa, J. L. Rodríguez, F. Obelleiro
In Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, vol. 1, pp. 1406-1409. Orlando, Florida (1999)

Fast generalized forward-backward method by using a spectral acceleration

M. R. Pino, R. J. Burkholder, F. Obelleiro
In Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, vol. 1, pp. 1410-1413. Orlando, Florida (1999)

An efficient solution of the Generalized Multipole Technique (GMT) for large two-dimension scattering problems

F. Obelleiro, L. Landesa, J. L. Rodríguez, M. R. Pino
In Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, Orlando, vol. 1, pp. 632-635. Florida (1999)

Antennas feasibility study for a LMDS communication system Haro, A.G.Pino, J.L.Besada, A.M.Arias, J.O.Rubiños
Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. Pp.2162-2165. Orlando, FL. USA (1999)

Localized Iterative Generalized Multipole Technique for analyzing large scattering problems

F. Obelleiro, J. L. Rodríguez, M. R. Pino, L. Landesa
In Proceedings of XXVIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, pp. 151. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Ponencia invitada (1999)

Using high-frequency asymptotic methods for analyzing low-angle backscatter from targets on a rough surface

R.J. Burkholder, M.R. Pino, F. Obelleiro
In Proceedings of International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA99), pp. 241-242. Torino (ITALY) (1999)

Efficient solution for the generalized multipole technique for large electromagnetic scattering problems

F. Obelleiro, J. L. Rodríguez
In Proceedings of 4th Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles: Theory and Applications, pp. 257-264. Vigo. Ponencia invitada (1999)

Synthesis of an Array Antenna for Hyperthermia Applications

R. V. Sabariego, L. Landesa, F. Obelleiro
, In Proceedings of COMPUMAG-Sapporo, pp. 544-545. Sapporo, Japan (1999)

Aperture Antennas at 42 GHz for a LMDS Communication System

A.G.Pino, L.Haro, J.O.Rubiños, A.M.Arias, J.L.Besada
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Microwave Technology (ISRAMT’99). Malaga (1999)