

Formulación Superficial para el Diseño y Análisis de Nano-Antenas Ópticas

J. Rivero, J. M. Taboada, M. G. Araújo, L. Landesa
XXVI Simposium Nacional de la Unión Radio-Científica Internacional (URSI'2011), Leganés, Madrid, Spain, 07-09 septiembre 2011

Propagation properties of strongly dispersion managed soliton trains

Francisco J. Díaz Otero, Pedro Chamorro Posada
Congreso SEDOPTICA, Valladolid (Spain), 10-11 Febrero 2011

Performance of heralded qubit amplifiers for practical device-independent quantum key distribution

T. Moroder, M. Curty
Sixth Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography, Madrid (Spain), 24-26 mayo 2011

Analysis and design of nano-optical antennas with the method of moments

J. M. Taboada, L. Landesa, J. Rivero, F. Obelleiro, M. G. Araújo
Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Computational Electromagnetics (AT-CEM'11), Glasgow, UK. 20-22 junio 2011. Ponencia Invitada.

Fast Multipole Methods in Supercomputers

L. Landesa, J. M. Taboada, M. G. Araújo, J. M. Bértolo, F. Obelleiro, J. L. Rodríguez, J. Rivero, G. Garjado-Silva
Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Computational Electromagnetics (AT-CEM'11) Glasgow, UK. PONENCIA INVITADA (2011)