

Tecnología de milimétricas para radares de imágenes a 300 GHz

Jesús Grajal, Gorka Rubio Cidre, Alejandro Badolato, Luis Úbeda Medina, Antonio García Pino, Borja González Valdés, Óscar Rubiños López, Beatriz Mencia Oliva
II Congreso Nacional de I+D en Defensa y Seguridad (DESEi+d 2014). Zaragoza (Spain), 6-7 noviembre 2014

A Compressed Sensing-based imaging system. Best Propagation Paper Award

Y. Álvarez López, Y. Rodríguez Vaqueiro, B. González Valdés, J. A. Martínez Lorenzo, F. Las Heras, C. M. Rappaport
8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, 6-11 April 2014

Impact of third-order dispersion upon initial pulse energy in commercial deployed dispersion-managed soliton transmission links

Francisco J. Díaz Otero, P. Chamorro Posada
International Conference Symmetry and Perturbation Theory (SPT2014), Sardinia, Italy, 25 May - 1 June 2014

Sequential attacks against coherent one-way quantum key distribution

J. González Payo, F. J. Fraile Peláez, M. Curty
4th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt 2014), Paris (Francia), 1-5 septiembre 2014

Impact evaluation of third-order dispersion in strongly DM soliton interactions

Francisco J. Díaz Otero, P. Chamorro Posada, Francisco J. Fraile Peláez
7th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference (CHAOS2014), Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 junio 2014

Ultrafast Quantum Random Number Generation Using Off-the-shelf Components

C. Abellan, W. Amaya, M. Jofre, M. Curty, A. Acín, J. Capmany, V. Pruneri, M. W. Mitchell
Conference on Lasers and Eletro-Optics (Symposium 'Applications and Technology - Novel Optical Devices') (CLEO2014), San Jose, CA (EEUU), 8-13 junio 2014

Variational approach and impact evaluation of higher-order perturbation terms in strongly dispersion-managed soliton interactions (ISQS-22)

Francisco J. Díaz Otero, Pedro Chamorro Posada
The XXIInd International Conference Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries, Praga, República Checa, 23-29 junio 2014

Preparación del alumnado univeritario para afrontar la búsqueda de empleo

O. Rubiños López, P. García Soidán
II Congreso Internacional de Ciencias de la Educación y del Desarrollo, Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), Granada (España), 25-27 junio 2014